
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
In episode #055 Chris meets with Dr. Chris Donaghue, and they discuss his new book Rebel Love: Break the Rules, Destroy Toxic Habits, and Have the Best Sex of Your Life. In this episode they discuss dating advice, sex positivity, toxic messaging around sex, ethical sex, and so much more.
Rebel Love: Break the Rules, Destroy Toxic Habits, and Have the Best Sex of Your Life
Chris Hoff PhD, LMFT
We want to hear from you!
Youtube: http://bit.ly/2i0DmaT
Website: http://www.theradicaltherapist.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRadTherapist
Instagram: https://instagram.com/theradicaltherapist/
Email: theradicaltherapist@gmail.com

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
In episode #054 Chris meets with Mark Greene, Sr. Editor at the Good Men Project and the Founder of Remaking Manhood about his recent article, Dear APA, I Love You, But the Problem Isn’t “Traditional Masculinity,” and they also discuss his new book, The Little #metoo Book for Men. They break down the APA’s individualizing perspective, man box culture, the growing anxiety of men, “men’s rights” groups, men’s silence, and how men might be more courageous and relational.
Dear APA, I Love You, But the Problem Isn’t “Traditional Masculinity.”
Remaking Manhood
The Little #Metoo Book For Men
Thinkplay Partners NYC
Chris Hoff PhD, LMFT
We want to hear from you!
Youtube: http://bit.ly/2i0DmaT
Website: http://www.theradicaltherapist.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRadTherapist
Instagram: https://instagram.com/theradicaltherapist/
Email: theradicaltherapist@gmail.com

Sunday Jan 13, 2019
Sunday Jan 13, 2019
In episode #053 Chris meets with Nicole Dickson from the Institute for Creative Conversation in South Africa and they explore how counselors and therapists have often treated client morality and spirituality as off-limits in the therapy room, and some of the possibilities and challenges of therapeutic conversations from a narrative pastoral counseling perspective.
Institute For Creative Conversation
Chris Hoff PhD, LMFT
We want to hear from you!
Website: http://www.theradicaltherapist.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRadTherapist
Instagram: https://instagram.com/theradicaltherapist/
Email: theradicaltherapist@gmail.com

Sunday Nov 04, 2018
Sunday Nov 04, 2018
In episode #052 Chris explores the construct of codependency, the critiques, and how professionals may be more helpful when working with those who embrace the label of "codependent," and those who do not.
Chris Hoff PhD, LMFT
We want to hear from you!
Youtube: http://bit.ly/2i0DmaT
Website: http://www.theradicaltherapist.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRadTherapist
Instagram: https://instagram.com/theradicaltherapist/
Email: theradicaltherapist@gmail.com

Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
In episode #051 Chris meets with Dr. Shipra Parikh from the University of Chicago to discuss adultism, anti-adultism and how clinicians can adopt an anti-adultist stance in our teaching, counseling, and families.
Chris Hoff PhD, LMFT
We want to hear from you!
Youtube: http://bit.ly/2i0DmaT
Website: http://www.theradicaltherapist.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRadTherapist
Instagram: https://instagram.com/theradicaltherapist/
Email: theradicaltherapist@gmail.com

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
In episode #050 Chris meets with Lynne Rosen to discuss how she integrates EMDR and somatic-oriented approaches with narrative therapy, in a way that that resonates both practically and philosophically, and that supports the social construction of identities and the politics of experience.
To register for the conference in San Diego:
Em-BODY-ing Conversations: integrating IPNB, EMDR and Somatic-Oriented therapies with a Narrative Therapy Approach.
October 12: 9:00-5:00
October 13: 9:00-1:00
To register for Em-BODY-ing Conversations online teaching and consultation groups:
https://reauthoringteaching.com/narrative-training/faculty-consultations or go to the Reauthoring Teaching website, faculty offerings.
Chris Hoff PhD, LMFT
We want to hear from you!
Youtube: http://bit.ly/2i0DmaT
Website: http://www.theradicaltherapist.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRadTherapist
Instagram: https://instagram.com/theradicaltherapist/
Email: theradicaltherapist@gmail.com

Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
In episode #049 Chris meets with Cheri Torres and Jackie Stavros to discuss their new book Conversations Worth Having, and they explore how people are using Appreciative Inquiry to ask more generative questions, leading to richer conversations that directly influence our present moment and possible futures.
Chris Hoff PhD, LMFT
We want to hear from you!
Youtube: http://bit.ly/2i0DmaT
Website: http://www.theradicaltherapist.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRadTherapist
Instagram: https://instagram.com/theradicaltherapist/
Email: theradicaltherapist@gmail.com

Sunday Jul 08, 2018
Sunday Jul 08, 2018
In episode #048 Chris meets with Carmen Cool and Hilary Kinavey to discuss the persistence of anti-fat bias and weight stigma in contemporary psychotherapy, and how diet culture and healthism creates body based oppression in people’s lives. They also discuss how clinicians can move toward a body liberation focus, and offer 10 helpful ways to shift our therapeutic lens
Just Practice: A Consultation Group for Weight-Inclusive Providers
Carmen Cool
Be Nourished (Hilary’s practice and info about Body Trust)
Weight Science: Evaluating the Evidence for a Paradigm Shift by Linda Bacon and Lucy Aphramor
The Weight-Inclusive versus Weight-Normative Approach to Health: Evaluating the Evidence for Prioritizing Well-Being over Weight Loss by Tylka et.al
Chris Hoff PhD, LMFT
We want to hear from you!
Youtube: http://bit.ly/2i0DmaT
Website: http://www.theradicaltherapist.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRadTherapist
Instagram: https://instagram.com/theradicaltherapist/
Email: theradicaltherapist@gmail.com

Sunday Jun 24, 2018
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
In episode #047 Dr. Lauren Foster and Dr. Veronica Kuhn join Chris for a live Radical Roundtable at the American Family Therapy Conference held in Austin, TX. They share how podcasting supports teaching and learning, and offers ways to enhance students’ and clinicians’ learning experiences, and how podcasting can deepen engagement and collaboration.
Chris Hoff PhD, LMFT
We want to hear from you!
Youtube: http://bit.ly/2i0DmaT
Website: http://www.theradicaltherapist.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRadTherapist
Instagram: https://instagram.com/theradicaltherapist/
Email: theradicaltherapist@gmail.com

Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
In episode #046 Chris meets with New York Times bestselling author and Buddhist meditation teacher Susan Piver to discuss her new book The Four Noble Truths of Love; Buddhist Wisdom for Modern Relationships. In this conversation they discuss how ancient philosophies have timeless – and unexpected - wisdom on how to love.
The Four Noble Truths of Love: Buddhist Wisdom for Modern Relationships
Chris Hoff PhD, LMFT
We want to hear from you!
Youtube: http://bit.ly/2i0DmaT
Website: http://www.theradicaltherapist.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRadTherapist
Instagram: https://instagram.com/theradicaltherapist/
Email: theradicaltherapist@gmail.com